twitter hacks for students

10 Competitive Twitter Hacks for New Grads

twitter hacks for students

Twitter can be a minefield or a goldmine for new grads. How can you be sure you’re using it efficiently and not alienating potential contacts, clients and hiring companies? Here are ten Twitter hacks that you can use to ensure you are being smart with your tweets and land that dream job you’ve been eyeing.

What are the best ways to get a company to notice me via Twitter?

Making yourself a presence on Twitter is important. Be noticed for the right things. By being clear with your bio, you can give companies a quick, concise statement about who you are and what you do. For example, “Qualified Network Administrator with 10+ years experience looking for position in x type organization.” This saves companies time—and they will appreciate it. Following the relevant people, such as big names in your field, industry or organization will help you to make the right connections and get noticed by the right people.

How can I avoid pestering people on Twitter when searching for a job?

Don’t spam people. If you direct message or tweet someone and ask them for a favor or for advice, don’t ask them the same thing again; or if they didn’t seem very willing to help you the first time, don’t ask them anything again. I think everyone can agree that nothing is worse than receiving a deluge of notifications from complete strangers. On the similar note, offer to help out. People in your field will take notice and be more willing to help you out if they see you as a contributor—not just a leech.

Can I really use Twitter and still seem professional?

Keep your personal and private lives separate, for one thing. If you’re thinking of using your personal Twitter handle for your job search, don’t! No company wants to see your rant about Game of Thrones or drunken photos from last weekend. Basically, preserve your online reputation.

Keep all of these tips in mind and you’ll have built yourself a great online presence that will be the leg up that you need to get yourself noticed. Be diligent with your Twitter activity. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day so don’t expect to be a Twitter celebrity in your industry overnight.

Use Twitter To Get That Job! 10 Terrific Twitter Tips for Graduate Job Seekers

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