Facebook cover photos – your new online billboard

Whether you are a promoting yourself professionally or attempting to generate greater awareness of your personal brand, Facebook has done you a great favour, but you probably don’t know it yet. Facebook cover photos are quickly becoming the online version of the billboard, as professionals and companies alike take their internet presence and marketing skills to this corner of the web.

How do I generate interest in me, my product or my services on Facebook?

Generally, we learn more by seeing than by hearing or reading, and this is no exception. By using images that shift with the seasons, introduce new imagery of yourself such as your interests, hobbies and recent work experience or maybe just generate more general awareness that you’re out there. Facebook cover photos are a great way to say hello to the world and to point your potential contacts towards your latest or greatest experience and ideas.

What about generating interest in me using Facebook cover photos?

From IT projects you’ve achieved, to apps designed by you, the cover photo can give any visitor enough direction to have them pushing ‘like’ quickly and following you. Putting some personal text details on your cover photo can also make it pop in a way that a boring old status update cannot.

Is this just for marketers and companies pushing their goods or services?

Ultimately, everyone has something to sell, but everyone is so tired of just being sold too. New contacts, connections and customers need some relief from the pushy side of personal brand advertising. Cover photos can also be used to celebrate milestones, key events or even to just make potential new contacts smile a little. If you can connect your personal brand with success and happiness – then you are already halfway there.

Every forward thinking professional worth their salt has a Facebook page, but not everyone knows how to use it to its full potential. Turn your Facebook cover photos into ‘calls to action’ for your potential contacts, fans and visitors today.

Want More Help With Facebook Cover Photos – Read: 25 Creative Ways to Use Facebook Cover Photos

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