Learning to code? Compare The Best Websites

Learning to code and develop software and apps used to be hard because it required a lot of investment in learning a programming languageĀ  or two via traditional means. Until recently if you wanted to learn how to code, write a piece of software or make a website work, then you mainly had to start by reading some manuals and typing away – running small code snippets by trial and error.

Fortunately, in the last couple of years a bunch of websites are available that can help you overcome learning challenges and really get to grips with learning how to code. The solutions among which you can choose varies from Scratch (that sports a custom designed code interface. It was developed by MIT and is primarily aimed at younger students) to classes which teach you real-world code, ranked by language type and skill level.

Some of these website focus primarily on “getting your feet wet” with code, aiming at lowering the steepness of the learning curve. They do this by splitting the whole process into little steps, like CodeAcademy, the hugely popular site that provides detailed instructions for every line of code.

Other courses like CodeSchool or Treehouse are aimed at an already trained junior developer who knows how to code a little and now wants to practice more or to begin to learn a new language altogether.

A helpful comparison table that matches the different solutions by code type, features, pricing (most of them are free, others are available in trial mode) and difficulty is here: Top 10 Websites to Learn Coding Online

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