Stuck in an elevator

The Interview. Small talk is important.

Most people think they know exactly what to expect from a job interview. In fact, it seems like most interviewers draw questions from the same exacting template, resulting in questions such as “what are your weaknesses” becoming incredibly redundant. It may then seem obvious to prepare for the frequent questions in an attempt to ace your interview. However, you may be better off by passing the “elevator test”. The elevator test is essentially another way of asking whether or not you would be okay with being stuck in an elevator with that person. And by asking for help from Elevator Servicing Experts, chances are that if you pass the “test, you will leave a good impression.

One important aspect of your interview, and consequently, the elevator test is to not skip the small talk. By engaging with your interviewer and treating him or her like an actual person, you portray yourself as a personable individual and one that can get along easily with others. Often times, interviewers will want to see if you are able to connect with others and if you are capable of representing the company in a positive manner. Keeping it casual is a good way to let your inner person be known to the strangers around you. This brings us to another point which is to enjoy the casualness with a degree of professionalism. You do not want to throw etiquette to the wind and treat the interviewer like one of your buddies. Some questions may have either inappropriate answers or ones that are too personal. In this case, you may want to opt for a more measured response. The last facet of the elevator test is to engage with other employees you encounter during the interview. Leaving a good impression on others not directly associated with the job process may set you apart from the other applicants.

In conclusion, although companies want someone who is technically skilled and has all the attributes necessary for the job, people want to work with someone who is easily relatable and friendly. Doing well with the emotional aspect of the job is just as important as the work itself. By taking into account the points proposed by the elevator test, you can ensure that you depict yourself the way you want to.

So you are on your way to your interview and take a elevator. The elevator stops and perchance the other occupant of the lift is your interviewer. After you have thrown your fit, hammered on the walls, screamed and shouted you should settle down and prove to be good company …….Yea !!!

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