How To Prepare Correctly for Telephone Interviews

With higher numbers of applicants applying for jobs, companies are frequently utilizing telephone interviews to weed out applicants before they invest the time in formal face to face interviews. Many applicants put little emphasis on these phone interviews and find themselves without the ‘golden ticket’ admitting them to the next stage of the interview process.

What are some ways I can prepare myself for a telephone interview?

Start by thinking about the physical environment in which you will take the call. Minimize distractions by turning off your television, computer and other phones. If you’re using a mobile phone for the telephone interview, make sure that it has a full charge and strong signal. Also be certain to have a pen and paper handy to make notes – as well as the latest copy of your resume handy.

What types of questions can I expect on a telephone interview?

Questions can vary greatly, depending on the type of position you are applying for. If the position is technical, you can expect some questions that will gauge your aptitude for the position. Although the interviewer will have a copy of your credentials, don’t assume they have spent a great amount of time reading it, so make sure your responses are thorough and don’t hesitate to re-summarise some of the data you have already presented on the job application.

What are some other ways I can be successful during the telephone interview?

Spend some time researching the organisation before the interview. Although the objective of the phone call is to interview, be certain to ask at least one or two questions yourself. Finally, although the interviewer cannot see you, the ‘way you look’ will come across in the way you present yourself over the phone, so smile even though you can’t be seen. Finally, if you find yourself a little nervous about the event, reach out to a friend and do a mock interview.

Investing a little time in preparing for a phone interview will give you that extra boost of confidence needed to impress the interviewer. And if you perform well doing the phone interview, you can carry that confidence with you throughout the next steps needed to land that job.

Want to perform well in your telephone interview? Read: Preparing for telephone interviews

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