How To Create a Winning Resume or CV

There are a number of ways to format your resume to catch the attention of a potential employer. This is influenced by your areas of strength, and what the prospective position entails. Emphasising your best qualities in a forthright way will help connect you with employers who seek your talents.

What are some general tips for a good resume or CV?

Avoid focusing heavily on biographical details. Too much ego can seem irrelevant or unprofessional. When describing past positions, make sure to detail the requirements and the functions of your job. Include concrete experiences and not just your skills and qualifications.

What if I don’t have experience or want to move into a new field?

Focus on areas of your studies or past positions that apply to the skills required for the position. Mention any hands-on learning that prepared you for the scenarios you may encounter. Leaving out factual details can against you if the employer is seeking job specifics. But not pigeon-holing yourself can open the door for more varied opportunities.

What about a hybrid of both styles?

One of the most effective formats combines an introductory profile with a work history. This serves as a spotlight on your best qualities. If well-written, this puts the rest of the information in a positive light. If poorly written, it can hurt you from the start. Use research and your best judgment in deciding what format will be best received by the recruiter.

Happy job hunting!

Read More In-Depth: What CV format will work best for you?

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